#1: Weight Limit
One of the initial things that will need to be considered before making a purchase is the combined weight of your bike and the motorcycle carrier. It will need to be compatible with your motorhome’s hitch, suspension system and frame. Otherwise, the extra weight could cause damage to your RV’s structure. If you find that the weight will be too much for the motorcycle carrier to handle, you may want to consider investing in a cargo hauler, toy hauler or tow trailer instead. They have their own pros and cons but that’s a conversation for another day.
#2: Tie-Downs
It is also crucial to give some consideration to the tie-downs that you’ll be using with the motorcycle carrier. After all, low quality ratchet type straps can come loose in transit. And the last thing that you want is your motorcycle hitting the road without you, right? It’s also worth mentioning that certain tie-downs can scratch the motorcycle or motorhome’s paint job. Therefore, you’ll want to keep that in mind too. Products that may help support the motorcycle in transit are Master Lock Ratchet Straps, cam buckle straps, soft loops and biker bars.
#3: Mounting Position
After you make your RV accessories purchase, put some careful deliberation into the mounting process too. Start by selecting an area that can safely accommodate the extra weight and won’t negatively impact the motorhome’s handling. In some instances, that may mean mounting the motorcycle carrier at the front of the RV instead of the back.
In addition to those considerations, you’ll want to make sure that the weight of the bike is evenly distributed across the entire length of motorcycle carrier at all times. That’s because shifting weight during transport can put undue pressure onto the motorhome’s undercarriage and cause stress fractures. As such, it may require the welder to use other RV accessories in a way that can best accommodate your bike’s unique configuration.
For more information about motorcycle carriers and what to look for when buying one, please contact us at (866) 332-7881. We keep a variety of top brand motorcycle carriers and related parts in stock, including Blue Ox and Versa-Haul.