You love your RV. You wouldn't trade it for the world. It's not the newest model - heck, it may even qualify as "vintage!" And for the most part, you just "know" when it's time to empty the holding tanks or fill the fresh tank....right? But what if someone unfamiliar with your coach is using it? How about those times when extra friends climb aboard for an impromptu bash at the beach? Wouldn't it be nice if you could just glance at a simple monitor to tell for sure what the level is? Before...well, you one likes a party-pooper....
Or perhaps you're rebuilding a classic Travel Trailer or of the beauties of yesteryear, names like Airstream, Spartan Winnebago or Silver Streak. Many of the older RV's didn't have holding tanks at all, and it's one of the most common additions during a restoration. So why not add a tank monitoring system during the tank installation, making the system on your classic coach as convenient as high end RV's rolling off the assembly line?
Fortunately, the Seelevel Tank Monitoring System - the same system being put in today's luxury coaches - is available for retro-fit applications for the do-it-yourselfer. In many existing units, adequate wiring may already be in place to add the sensors. In new holding tank system, a simple planned addition to your wiring schematic is all that is needed.

Seelevel systems deliver readings in percent to full or empty eliminating the guessing that goes on with quarter, half and three-quarter tank monitoring systems. There are even systems available for the low-profile tanks with depths of less than six inches, often preferred by vintage enthusiasts who are trying to preserve the original profile of their camper.
And since holding tank spills can be messy and a ruined vacation, the addition of a tank monitoring system should be considered preventive maintenance. So, before you decide to trade in, do without, or close up the belly-pan on that project trailer or motorhome, consider a state-of-the-art upgrade and add a tank monitoring system.
Our customer service staff can give you installation advice and help you choose the correct SeeLevel System for your particular situation. Be sure to contact us to discuss how adding a Tank Monitoring System to your coach will keep your older or vintage recreational vehicle up-to-date and user-friendly.
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